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Chủ đề thuộc danh mục 'BST Medal world war & VN War' được đăng bởi youngboss1vn, 13/7/12.

  1. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    25.American Defense Medal - WW II
    Criteria: Army: Authorized to any military member who performed duty between September 8, 1939 and December 6, 1941. Members of the United States Army were required to perform at least one year of duty, during the above time period, while United States Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and United States Marine Corps personnel were awarded the medal for any length of service during the eligible time frame.


    26.Philippine Independence Medal
    Criteria: Awarded to service members having previously received both the Philippine Defense Medal and the Philippine Liberation Medal. The service member must also have served on active military duty in the Philippines after July 4, 1946. The award criteria effectively awarded the medal to anyone participating in both the initial resistance against Japanese invasion and also in the campaigns to liberate the Philippines from Japanese occupation in 1945. The Philippine Independence Medal was originally awarded as a ribbon, and it was not until 1968 that a full sized medal was authorized by President Ferdinand Marcos.

  2. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    27.Coast Guard Expert Rifle Medal
    Criteria: Awarded for attainment of the minimum qualifying score for the expert level during prescribed shooting exercises with a rifle. The Coast Guard Marksmanship Ribbon are issued under the same criteria as the U.S. Navy. The Coast Guard issues two ribbons, known as the Coast Guard Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon and the Coast Guard Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon. The Marksmanship Device is awarded for qualification at the higher levels of sharpshooter and expert. Like the Navy, for those who receive an expert qualification, the Marksmanship Medal is awarded instead of the Marksmanship Ribbon.


    28. United Nations Medal
    Criteria: Awarded to service members for six months service with any authorized United Nations Peace keeping mission. The award is one of several international decorations issued by the United Nations to the various militaries of the world for participation in joint international military operations such as peacekeeping, humanitarian efforts, and disaster relief. A United Nations Medal is ranked in most militaries as a service medal, meaning that it is not issued for a specific heroic or meritorious act, but rather for general participation in a broad operation. In most nations, the standard United Nations Medal is awarded in lieu of a campaign specific medal. In the United States Armed Forces, service members are encouraged to only wear the standard United Nations Medal. A service member who received several United Nations Medals is permitted to display only one such medal on their military uniform, that medal being of the service member’s choice. Multiple United Nations Medals are then denoted by service stars on the United Nations Medal which is being displayed. Since the United Nations Medal is an international decoration, it is ranked in most militaries as a foreign award and displayed after all decorations of a service member’s particular military force.

  3. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    29. Atlantic War Zone Medal
    for mariners who served in the Atlantic War Zone including the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Barents Sea, and the Greenland Sea, between December 7, 1941, and November 8, 1945. Design: The compass rose is traditionally associated with maritime navigation and the superimposed triangle with duty and service other than in the Armed Forces. The eagle symbolizes the United States and freedom.

  4. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member


    1.Selected Marine Corps Reserve Anodized Medal
    Anodized medals are not typically issued by the military as part of the formal award. They are exact replicas of the Department of Defense’s regulation medals – manufactured, however, with a special gold leaf-like finish for a shimmering and polished appearance. Anodized medals are authorized for wear on uniforms in various situations specified by the requisite branch of service's regulations and also by command directives.

    3.Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal
    Criteria: Awarded for outstanding performance and conduct during 4 years of enlisted service in the Naval Reserve. First created in 1962 with retroactive presentation to 1958. The Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal was considered the enlisted successor decoration to the Naval Reserve Medal. Until 1996, the decoration was awarded for four years of satisfactory reserve service, however since 1997 the time period of eligibility has been lowered to three years. Additional awards of the Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal are denoted by service stars. Reserve Good Conduct Medals are typically intended only for enlisted personnel and are not eligible to be presented to officers. The Armed Forces Reserve Medal is a similar decoration which is awarded for ten years of honorable reserve service and is presented to both officers and enlisted personnel.


  5. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    4. Army Commendation Medal
    Criteria: A mid-level award presented for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service. Awarded by local commanders, allowing for a broad interpretation of the criteria for which the medal may be awarded. For actions where such performance was in direct contact with an enemy force, the Valor device ("V" device) is authorized as an attachment to the decoration. The Army Commendation Medal is typically awarded to junior officers and enlisted personnel as an end-of-tour award. Additional awards are denoted by oak leaf clusters.
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    5.Air Force Commendation Medal:Criteria: A mid-level award presented for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service. Awarded by local commanders, allowing for a broad interpretation of the criteria for which the medal may be awarded. For actions where such performance was in direct contact with an enemy force, the Valor device ("V" device) is authorized as an attachment to the decoration. The U.S. Air Force began issuing its own Commendation Medal in 1958 with additional awards denoted by oak leaf clusters.
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  6. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    6. Huy hiệu chiến dịch Trung Đông - Châu Phi - Châu Âu (European - African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal)
    Được trao tặng cho bất kỳ sự phục vụ nào diễn ra ở khu vực Châu Âu, Bắc Phi hoặc Trung Đông vào khoảng thời gian 7/12/1941 đến 2/3/1946.
    Ai Cập-Libya: 11 Jun 42 - 12 Feb 43; Tấn công bằng không quân, Châu Âu: 4 Jul 42 - 5 Jun 44; Algeria-French Morocco: 8-11 Nov 42; Tunisia: 12 11/19 42 - 13 May 43; Sicily: 14 May 43 - 17 Aug 43; Naples-Foggia: 18 Aug 43 - 21 Jan 44; Anzio: 22 Jan 44 - 24 May 44; Rome-Arno: 22 Jan 44 - 9 Sep 44; Normandy: 6 Jun 44 - 24 Jul 44; Miền bắc France: 25 Jul 44 - 14 Sep 44; Miền Nam France: 15 Aug 44 - 14 Sep 44; Northern Apennines: 10 Sep 44 - 4 Apr 45; Rhineland: 15 Sep 44 - 21 Mar 45; Ardennes-Alsace: 16 Dec 44 - 25 Jan 45; Khu vực trung Châu Âu: 22 Mar 45 - 11 May 45; thung lũng PO: 5 Apr 45 - 8 May 45.
    Đối với những người không tham gia vào những chiến dịch được chỉ định thì những chiến dịch phổ biến sẽ sử dụng đến huy hiệu the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, được biểu thị bằng những ngôi sao: Antisubmarine: 7 12/1941 - 2 Sep 45; Chiến dịch tấn công bằng bộ binh: 7 Dec 41 - 2 Sep 45; chiến dịch tấn công bằng không quân: 7 Dec 41 - 2 Sep 45.
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    7. Air Force Achievement Medal
    Air Force Achievement Medal. Illustrated by Virginia Reyes of the Defense Media Activity-San Antonio. This image is 4x8 inches @ 200 ppi. The Air Force Achievement Medal may be awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States (below the grade of colonel who, while serving in any capacity with the Air Force, distinguish themselves by outstanding achievement or meritorious service.
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  7. youngboss1vn

    youngboss1vn Admin Staff Member

    8. Army National Guard Components Achievement MedalCriteria: Awarded for four years of honorable service in the Army National Guard with additional awards denoted by oak leaf clusters. Effective March 28, 1995, the period of qualifying service for the award was reduced from four years to three years; however, this change was not retroactive. The Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal may also be awarded to officers in the grade of Colonel or below. The decoration was first created in 1972. Reserve Good Conduct Medals are typically intended only for enlisted personnel and are not eligible to be presented to officers. The primary difference between the regular Good Conduct Medal and the Reserve Good Conduct Medal is that the Good Conduct Medal is only issued for active duty service while the reserve equivalent is bestowed for reserve duties such as drill and annual training. The Armed Forces Reserve Medal is a similar decoration which is awarded for ten years of honorable reserve service and is presented to both officers and enlisted personnel.
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    9.Army Good Conduct Medal
    Criteria: Awarded to any enlisted member of the United States Army who completes three consecutive years of "honorable and faithful service.” Such service implies that a standard enlistment was completed without any non-judicial punishments, disciplinary infractions, or court martial offenses. If a service member commits an offense, the three-year mark "resets" and a service member must perform an additional three years of discipline free service before the Good Conduct may be authorized. During times of war, the Army Good Conduct Medal may be awarded for one year of faithful service. The medal may also be awarded posthumously, to any soldier killed in the line of duty. To denote additional decorations of the award, a series of Good Conduct Knots are provided as attachments to the decoration. Service for the Army Good Conduct Medal must be performed on active duty and the medal is not awarded to members of the Army reserve or National Guard who are not federalized to active service. For those Reserve and Guard members who satisfactorily perform annual training and drill duty, however, the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal may be awarded in lieu.



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