[SIZE=-2]Royal Laotian Flag[/SIZE] Order of the Million Elephants and White Parasol The Order was created by Sisavang Vong, the King of Luang-Prabang on May 1, 1909 to recognize exceptional military and civil service. It is originally awarded in one, then four and finallythe traditional five European classes (Grand Officer, Grand Cross, Commander, Officer and Knight). The uniface insignia is composed of three white enamel elephants with red enamel headpieces suspended beneath a golden crown, surmounted by a stylized parasol. The Knights badge is 56mm and the other levels, 62mm. It was widely awarded to French officials and military personnel, including those who participated in the Franco-Laotian Resistance (against the Japanese) in 1944 and to members of the French Military Mission and the French Expeditionary Corps, which participated in the Laotian War. [SIZE=-2] Order of the Million Elephants and White Parasol Knight Grades [/SIZE]Order of the Million Elephants and White Parasol Award Document [SIZE=-2]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1200x938.This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1200x938. [/SIZE]