(Topic này được mở ra để các bạn mới bước vào lĩnh vực sưu tầm tham khảo, vì vậy những loại Token mang tên địa danh hiếm ... hoặc đang trong quá trình tìm hiểu thêm thông tin, tư liệu sẽ không có trong đây) An aerialshot from the east looking west at the 90th Replacement Detachment on the NW corner of Long Binh
Vì có nhiều loại và các mệnh giá khác nhau, nên YB chỉ chụp 1 vài mệnh giá đại diện cho mỗi loại để các bạn mới bước vào lĩnh vực sưu tầm Token thao khảo! 93rd Evac - 93rd Evacuation Hospital Long Binh The 93rd Evacuation Hospital was alerted for deployment to Vietnam on July 31, 1965. Two days prior to this, the 1st Infantry Division had received its alert for similar movement. From that time until its eventual departure date of October 15, 1965, activities were directed toward preparation. Personnel and equipment readiness dates were September 21, 1965, and this was met. The professional compliment, with few exceptions, arrived September 19, 1965; however, it was possible to have the remainder prepared for movement on September 21, 1965. Equipment being sent to Beaumont, Texas for shipment to Vietnam was loaded September 24, 1965. Personnel were trained insofar as the limited time would allow. On October 15, 1965, the unit was air-lifted to San Diego, California, and departed on board US Navy ships the same day. The unit arrived at Vung Tau, Vietnam on October 31, 1965, debarking on November 4, 1965 for air-lift to Bien Hoa Air Base. The unit bivouacked in an area provided by the 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, from November 4, 1965 to January 4, 1966. The last elements departed the bivouac area on that date. During the period of November 4 - 26, 1965, the unit remained in a non-operational status. Red circle equipment and supplies were received November 7 - 10, 1965. On November 27, the first TOE equipment was received. The unit immediately went to work establishing a hopsital in buildings provided by the 159th Engineer Group. Patient treatment facilities were established in semi-permanent buildings. The hospital became fully operational on December 1, 1965 at Long Binh and remained there throughout its long stay in Vietnam.